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MOD/Country Date Player Admin Length
MOD US 2024-06-26 19:07:48 FiBzY Niflheimrx Permanent
  • Player FiBzY
  • Steam ID STEAM_0:1:48688711
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:97377423]
  • Steam Community 76561198057643151
  • Invoked on 2024-06-26 19:07:48
  • Ban length Permanent
  • Expires on Not applicable
  • Reason Still carries intolerable behavior, recent actor of network attacks. You will never be unbanned again.
  • Banned by Admin Niflheimrx
  • Total Bans 2  (search)
  • Banned from Web Ban
  • Blocked (10) fibzy, yzbif, yzbif, fibzy, fibzy, fibzy, yzbif, yzbif, yzbif, yzbif
MOD US 2021-12-29 20:53:19 FiBzY Niflheimrx Permanent (Unbanned)
  • Player FiBzY
  • Steam ID STEAM_0:1:48688711
  • Steam3 ID [U:1:97377423]
  • Steam Community 76561198057643151
  • Invoked on 2021-12-29 20:53:19
  • Ban length Permanent (Unbanned)
  • Unban reason Giving a second chance, any more inconveniences will result in a perma ban again
  • Unbanned by Admin Niflheimrx
  • Expires on Not applicable
  • Reason A big hassle to deal with, caused many problems with the Garry's Mod community
  • Banned by Admin Niflheimrx
  • Total Bans 2  (search)
  • Banned from Please Wait...
  • Blocked (0) Never